As a consequence of the banning of halon gases (such as Halon 1301) for being greenhouse gases as well as participating in the depletion of the ozone layer, a new generation of agents, more eco-friendly, have been developed maintaining the excellent fire suppression properties of Halon without the environmental problems.
Fire suppression mechanism
With only 10s of discharge, the agents are removing sufficient heat from the fire and interrupting the combustion chain reaction, extinguishing it completely.
Methods of application
Chemical agents must be discharged in adequately sealed rooms to ensure reaching the necessary extinguishing concentrations determined by the International Standards. Therefore these agents can only be applied in total flooding applications.
Typical hazards protected
Ideally used in situations where water from fire sprinkler would damage expensive equipment or where water-based fire protection is impractical, such as museums, banks, clean rooms, IT rooms and hospitals.
Our engineers are prepared to design the Chemical fire suppression projects according to the required standard:
Contact AIRfire for further details regarding our certificates.
Typical hazards protected
HFC-227, recognized by ASHRAE as HFC-227ea, is suitable for use in rooms, vaults, enclosed machines, containers, storage areas or wherever fixed enclosures are used. It can be used to protect electronic and delicate equipment. HFC-227 is extremely useful in applications where damages by other extinguishing methods would be prohibitive.
AIRfire uses high pressure technology in a wide range of cylinder sizes, 26 litre to 120 litre pressurized at 42 bar, as well as high capacity 240 litre cylinders at 25 bar. This variety of cylinder sizes allows great flexibility when designing for hazards of different volumes, allowing that the most adequate solution is always applied.
AIRfire supplies complete systems with all the necessary components for fast, safe and easy assembly. The only thing that has to be added is the piping which will be defined in the hydraulic calculations delivered with the system.
Typical hazards protected
FK 5-1-12, commercially known as 3M™ Novec™ 1230, is suitable to protect high value assets, such as aerospace, aviation, military, marine, archives and museums, data centres and telecommunications.
AIRfire is using Novec™ 1230 high pressure technology in a wide range of cylinder sizes, from 14 litre up to 345 litre pressurized at 34,5 bar. This variety of cylinder sizes allows great flexibility when designing for different volume hazards, allowing that the most adequate solution is always applied. High capacity 345 litre cylinders reduce pipe network and hardware equipment, the performances are increased using the 2 ½” nozzles for huge coverage areas.
AIRfire supplies complete systems with all the necessary components for fast, safe and easy assembly. The only thing that has to be added is the piping which will be defined in the hydraulic calculations delivered with the system.